Saturday, April 20, 2013

Get lost in my books!

This is my new blog so far I am not a pro at writing but I'm ok at it. I don't have an email yet, that is why my mom's picture is on the side.

I love writing books and I have written a few so far.  The first book I wrote was 'The Finders'.  Here's a picture of the cover (I drew all the illustrations myself!):

I also wrote another book called 'The Control of Stories'.  It's full of memorable books that pop into my head.  I haven't finished it yet, but I show you more soon.

Signing off,
Elizabeth Ngoo

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth!

    Popping by your blog! It's so beautifully done and I can't wait to read more of your posts :) Keep your love for reading / writing / drawing going! You've a God given talent! Use it for His glory!

    God Bless,
    Aunty Davina :)
